Pay It Forward


It’s a long time now since the concept of paying it forward became a thing. The Hollywood film from 2000 captured the zeitgeist of doing something lovely for someone else, with the possibility that sometime in the future you had some credit in the karma bank.  Read loads more about it on wikipedia – a site that you could say benefits from just this kind of support.

Then a few years later the world got Suspended Coffees – some genius realised the joy a free coffee could bring to someone who couldn’t afford it, a little bit of joy in a modern world where hot drinks are a ubiquitous luxury for the majority.

As part of Jabberwocky Market we have always been determind to find ways to make our events accessible to everyone, and we believe to our core that theatre can bring the world to our back door, explain life’s mysteries and be really fun to attend. We want to give that opportunity to anyone who wants to give it a try and one of the ways we can make this happen is the Pay It Forward tickets.