Jabberwocky Market - Spring 2019

Thursday 11 April - Saturday 11 May

Dance Workshop
with Solene Weinachter from Lost Dog Dance

Lost Dog are a dance theatre company whose work uses movement and text to tell stories. Their most recent work Juliet & Romeo is based on Shakespeare’s pessimistic love story and explores whether our culture’s celebration of youth creates unrealistic expectations around love and relationships. The workshop will begin with a basic physical warm up and then go on to include some theatrical exercises and some storytelling combined with dance and movement – exploring at how Lost Dog uses story telling in their performance work.

In Conversation
The panel discussion looks more deeply at the themes of the shows and events, sharing insights with our visiting artists and people involved in Jabberwocky Markets from far and wide. This season we’ll talk about Mobility and Change; artists and partners will chat about the challenges and opportunities from their own experiences, be they theatre or art or life.

Drama Workshop
with Caroline Williams maker of Now Is The Time To Say Nothing.
The workshop started with an introduction to Caroline’s interest in participatory practice. Approaches and illustration of the importance of dramaturgy within autobiographical theatre. Practical exploration of dramaturging stories. Ethics of non-fiction.

Juliet and Romeo
by Lost Dog Dance

Lost Dog’s new show reveals the real story of Romeo and Juliet. It turns out they didn’t die in a tragic misunderstanding, they grew up and lived happily ever after. Well they lived at least.
Now they are 40ish, at least one of them is in the grips of a mid-life crisis, they feel constantly mocked by their teenage selves and haunted by the pressures of being the poster couple for romantic love. They have decided to confront their current struggles by putting on a performance about themselves. Their therapist told them it was a terrible idea.

BIG Little Gigs Family Pop Choir
by Jennie Brewis of Pop Choir Project
A fun family pop up choir with the fabulous Jennie Brewis. Don’t worry about singing ability this will be a welcoming, lively, supportive singing session. Singing is good for the body,soul and mind, come and share some music with your little ones. Gigs for 0-10 year olds and their families.

Now is the Time to Say Nothing
By Caroline Williams and Reem Karssli
Now Is The Time To Say Nothing is an interactive sound and video installation exploring the role of screens in observing global conflicts. The show is a provocation against armchair passivity for 14 people at a time.

Using stunning video and immersive sound, it follows the real story of Syrian artist Reem Karssli as she captures her daily experience of the Syrian conflict on camera. We see what emerges when she is contacted by a group of teenagers from the UK who want to see beyond the footage they’ve watched on their TVs.

Noisy Holiday
by Kid Carpet and the Noisy Animals
The Noisy Animals are looking forward to their dream holidays and have some brilliant ideas about where in the world they want to go. Kid Carpet just wants them all to be together but will he be able to keep everyone happy when he can’t even get them in the car? This lively show contains a mix of live music, theatre, comedy, puppetry and animation. Hot new tracks from Kid Carpet include; “Rollercoaster”, “Swimming with the Fishes” and “Get in the Car”.

with Bert and Nasi at GIFT
Two performers – one Greek, one French – dance and shout, cry and sing, agree and disagree, about life in the Eurohouse. Made in transit between Greece and the UK, Eurohouse brings this difficult relationship to life through a darkly comic look at the EU’s founding ideals, and what got lost along the way.

Tensile Strength
by Holly Gallagher
Tensile Strength (or How to Survive at Your Wit’s End) is a performance about Stress. And figuring out why so many of us feel it to an unhealthy degree. It’s about fear, pressure, uncertainty. It’s about sadness and mental health and how we help ourselves. It’s about feeling like things are all A Bit Too Much and… then the cat goes missing.