Jabberwocky Market Fun Palaces


For Jabbermouth by Gemma Hirst

Fun Palaces believe that there is an artists in everyone and that creativity and community can change the world for the better. And that anyone, anywhere can make a fun place with radical fun.

It started out in the 60’s when Joan Littlewood  and Cedric Price created the Fun Palace as a laboratory of fun. This was going to be a home for the arts and science for everyone to enjoy, sadly never came to fruition as a building. The whole idea, however of bringing arts and science together for everyone was still alive.

It’s made by local people for their own communities, to bring together science, arts, crafts and tech, free and fun by the Fun Palace network.

Producer of Jabberwocky Market, Caroline Pearce said:"We love the ethos of Fun Palaces, embracing creativity and innovation through arts and sciences and all creative endeavours and stories.  We love to be able to offer free activities for our whole community and to tie in with people across the world through the festival of Jabberwocky Market events."

Fun Palace launched in 2013 at a Devoted and Disgruntled Open Space event. And Co- Director of Fun Places, Stella Duffy created a session called “Who wants to do something for Joan Littlewood’s centenary in October 2014, that isn’t another revival?”

Taken from their website  http://funpalaces.co.uk/fun-palaces-begin/, Duffy said in the session they talked about Fun Palaces- about the politics and community spirit behind them. With the idea that a fun palace can be anywhere not just a building.

Adding on the report that One of the main things we’ve always acknowledged is that community and interest and engagement is there anyway, already. What the Fun Palaces Campaign is doing is simply providing a channel for people to come together, to make together. 

For more information and tickets please go to www.jabberwockymarket.org.uk