11 Questions


Jabberer Kirsten is asking 11 random questions, some exceedingly difficult and some very easy. Every answer is a good answer. What would your answers be? Share on social media and pop back here to see what everyone says.


1 – What is the biggest risk you have taken this year?


2 – If you could be any character in a book or film, who would you pick?


3 – If you could have dinner with anyone who would you pick, alive or dead?


4 – Summer or Winter and why?


5 – If you could choose one thing to fight for, what would it be and why?


6 – What do you like most about theatre at the moment?


7 – If you were a plant, what type of plant would you be?


8 – Who is your biggest theatrical inspiration?


9 – If you could only visit one country for the rest of your life, where would it be?


10 – Harry Potter or Star Wars? 


11 – Describe your perfect Sunday…